This article was originally published via Afros in tha City.
D’orjay The Singing Shaman is an emerging country singer with a whimsical and powerful voice that could thaw ice. While she has been writing songs for the last 10 years, she only started working as a professional musician in the last 4 1/2 years at the age of 34. Though there has always been some involvement in the arts, it took overcoming imposter syndrome and persistent stage fright to really get started with crafting her own music.
Currently working and creating on Treaty 6 land, so-called Edmonton, D’orjay says she is absolutely inspired by where she lives.
"By the land itself, by the incredible tapestry of artists and creators that live here and around the area. I am also inspired by the deep and rich history of Black people in particular, and how they contributed to the prairies, and this land."
– D'Orjay the Singing Shaman

After suffering from COVID this past year, plans for 2022 are centering around rest and recovery. “I aspire to create new music without any high pressure deadlines or outside influence that brings me into toxic capitalistic, and often dehumanizing practices,” says D’orjay. “I also plan on taking inventory of experiences in the country music industry that I’ve had over the last two years while living at the intersections of Black, queer, and neurodivergent; and doing some deep introspective work and course correcting to ensure that how I navigate this industry is in alignment with a path that feels gentle and healing, and is also rooted in community and equity.”
If there is anything that D’orjay wants folks to know in 2022, it’s that country music is for everyone. “I always want to remind folks that live in our region that country music is for everyone to create and consume, and that there are many artists out there that are making art in this genre that come from all walks of life, regardless of how mainstream country music is marketed.”
Revisit our Black History Month Panel featuring D'orjay the Singing Shaman